Pagina is geladen met titel Contact - Van Gogh Museum

Contact Details

For general information about the museum, the collection, our events programme and other activities:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (020) 570 52 00

Postal address:
Van Gogh Museum
P.O. Box 75366
1070 AJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands.

Chamber of Commerce registration number: 41213987
VAT: NL803117851B01

Questions about your online ticket purchase or museum visit?

Do you have any questions about your museum visit, online tickets purchase or a discount card? Take a look at the answers to frequently asked questions.

Is your question not listed in the FAQ or do you have another request or feedback? Please fill out the form below. We are able to answer your message during office hours: daily from 9 am to 5 pm.

If you're unable to settle an online purchase dispute directly with the Van Gogh Museum, please contact the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (ODR).